I am working on my website blog.
Trying to figure out where the posts go etc. Here is a tree I painted last summer.
The second painting...
Thought I had both, but I guess it wouldn't let me post. Here is the fall picture, not quite done yet.
Trying not to overdue
Here are two paintings I am working on. One is of a statue in Lancaster, which I think is overdone, but the drawing was fairly good. ...
Sunflower Necklace
I made this necklace from reproductions of my sunflower painting. I plan to make some hair clips next.
I sold this picture.
A person from my hometown takes all kinds of photos of Wisconsin on his cell phone. He then will post them on facebook. I kept saying I...
Working on a Sunflower Necklace
I did the Sunflower painting and have made reproductions of it. Now I am working with beads to make a necklace. I will show it to you...
Videos coming someday...
Not really ready for the video yet. I do want to share a video from Angela Fehr, a watercolor artist from Canada, whom has really...
Our Barn
We tore our barn down this summer. Here is a painting of it as my husband remembers. I took a picture from the road and painted it. I...